Monday, August 8, 2011

Asia Minor & US: A Brief Introduction

Being natives of Asia Minor (Anatolia), and residing in Midwest long enough now, we are publishing our humble experiences in our kitchen while trying to emulate Anatolian cuisine with local ingredients. The recipes we present here are not desperate efforts of chasing identical tastes of our childhoods; instead, they are genuine attempts at preserving Anatolian style healthy eating, with a signature tradition of labor-intensive cooking with local and natural ingredients. Localness is a keyword, especially since Anatolian cuisine is thoroughly tied to its origins: land and history; and unfortunately, no one can reproduce those two aspects. Nevertheless, adding localness to the familiar dishes constitutes brand-new challenges of creativity and invention for every single dish we cook. Up on those challenges we thrive when creating those blog posts.
Three tales from three different regions of Anatolia (north, west, and east) will introduce the signature characteristics of this cuisine: labor-intensity and local/natural ingredients..

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